Monday 28 July 2014

Sweaty velvet bum crack in my face!

14/07/14 I was hoping to get rang up for supply today but I didn’t. Got up and ready but no call which was shit as I’m skint and have made no plans. I decided to squeeze in a quick swim before my class but ended up waiting in the queue for 10 minutes waiting for the dick head receptionist to get off the phone to get through so I had 12 minutes to swim! I tried to swim harder than usual to make it more worth my while but 12 minutes felt a bit pointless. Then there was the mad dash in the changing room to get dry and to my class on time. I felt like I was in a triathlon. I was not very good at it. My sports bra wouldn’t go on because I was still damp so it was all twisted up my back and in my throat. One boob hanging out. My hair bobble snapped and my trousers were on backwards. I left them like that (my trousers not my bra!) not like I haven’t been to class with them backwards before! I dashed down without even looking in a mirror to find the swimming clock was fast. I arrived 5 minutes early and the class started 10 minutes late. FUCKERS!

Can’t snap out of this tired, subdued feeling. I wish I’d been called in to worktoday because all afternoon I’ve just strolled around with this cloud over my head. I took Scruff for a walk and watched as a man sat on a wall not realising anybody was watching and filled his pepsi bottle with vodka. This is exactly what my dad would of done and it made me feel sad. Actually thats wrong my dad didn’t need the pepsi he’d just go to the shop drink it straight and come home and we’d see him slowly deteriate to a drunken slurry mess in the corner. We didn’t really bring friends home much then.

We had a roast tonight because we were a party yesterday and we’d bought a reduced chicken with stuffed breast joint thinking it would be a healthy option. 825 calories for a portion!!!! 8 fucking hundred and 2 5 calories for a bit of chicken and stuffing!! That is crazy. Well I’m not going to make that mistake again! 99% pure fat?! I know that counting calories isn’t always the best way to lose weight but it does make you aware of high some foods are!

15/07/14 I didn’t make the 6.30am class today. My alarm went off, I splashed my face and stood in the garden but I just felt shattered and still had a headache. I got back in bed and snuggled up to Mr D. I made up for it with another double whamy and swam before I went to dance fit.  Hippy boob shaking hip hop lady was wearing a cropped top today. She has quite a round stomach and even though she doesn’t have any hips at all she does have a little meat around the middle. I can’t decide if I think this is good or bad. Kat is super fit and is very strict and on it which I like that but sometimes it does feel like she would never understand how hard it is for someone with weight problems. But then it doesn’t fill you with confidence that the classes your doing with a instructer thats a little round is working you hard enough but on the other hand maybe it means she ‘normal’ and likes her food as well as exercising. There was a woman infront of me this week that was trying to look 'cool' She wore her sunglasses throughout the class and had on a pair of black velvet bottoms and a vintage style top. Your at the gym love what the bloody hell are you doing?! and you obviously can't be exercising very hard if your sunglasses are staying on your face! Its a big room for that class but she still kept getting closer and closer to me. All I could think of is how sweaty she must be in those velvet trousers! She bent over right in my face! No lady I do not want your sweaty velvet bum crack in my face!

Some days I don’t really feel like talking when I got to work today thats how I was feeling. Think I’m feel pretty worn out, all the extra exercising and working late. Sometimes I'm just in my own little world and happy with my own company. We had a nice shift and all headed off to the park for a pinic. The best food weve had since I’ve worked here. Sandwhichs, fruit, crisps and rice krisipie cakes. Not the healthiest but no the worse i tracked it all fine on my fitness pal. It was really nice but I was still happy to get home to the Mr!

16/07/14 Wednesday already whoop! Thats the good thing about cramming 37 hours in to 4 days and not working Mondays. 4 day working week is pretty fucking fabulous! Woke up feeling thinner. Checking out my middle in the mirror definitely looked flater! Oosh on that note I will eat well today and try and work hard at my swim between having my neice. Swim 2 lengths play humpty dumpty with neice. Swim another 2 lengths play dolphins with neice! On my split shift the time between work goes so quick!! Back to work in which felt like an hour. I avoided the chocolate cake, I avoided the chocolate cake, I avoided the chocolate cake! All shift until 10 bloody pm when I gave into the chocolate cake! First just a few loose crumbs at the side but then I tried that chocolate topping which was amazing!! So I had to cut myself a slice and devoired it in seconds! Bugger I was doing so well!! Attempted to calorie count and my fitness pal said I’d only gone over today by 7 calories. I’m really not sure what hidden extras could be hiding in some of this work food I’m eating! Ugh this could be much worse than I think it is!!

17/07/14 Planned to snooze for a little longer this morning but I was dressed and out the door by 8.40am with homemade beef stroganoff already in the slow cooker. I popped to the shops on the way to class and discovered that in the morning the fruit and veg store have lots of things for 20p that need eating!! This will deffo part of my new routine! Bring on the peaches! The class was the same as last week Butch talking about her family, making comments about people she doesn’t like and talking about how people were getting it on on Big Brother last night. Pretty boring stuff but the class is good she works us hard and my arse cheeks are hurting! Thats got to be good!

Back to work I got the cook to give me the raw ingrediants tonight so I could teach the girls how to cook carbonara and do a damn better job off it! He was not pleased as this meant he had to seprate bits out just for the 4 of us which meant him doing 'extra work' Sod off!  Were trying to teach the kids independence here and slapping your disgusting mush on their plates is not helping anybody! It went well the girls did good and our version was much better complete with homemade garlic bread and little chocolate cakes for afterwards. Yup I said cakes L and a scone for supper L  I don’t know how Ive gone from being so motivated to eating pudding and supper at work again?! Why do I let temptations get the better of me?! Going to sleep at work alone disappointed with myself. Mr D rang and told me not worry I will do better tomorrow! Bloody love that man!

18/07/14 Started off a mad busy morning getting all the kids packed with all their stuff for the summer. Me and a student then made scrambled eggs and toast for 4. The other 2 didnt turn up because thay were packing so we had a lot of scrambled eggs to eat! Not the best start to a good day but we threw most of the toast to the birds. I’m absolutely shattered today, it was so hot last night I just kept waking up hot and bothered so I started flagging quite early on in the day. My big plan to do the double class/swim was out the window as I headed straight home at 3pm exhausted. I knew when I got home I was going to be greeted by a massive pile of woodchips for the garden on the drive but I had no idea how big the pile was going. It was massive so I knew exactly what my Friday night was going to consist of! I had half a n hour power nap (I love a good power nap!) got my shorts on and made a start! Digging, wheelbarrowing and emptying at the back of the garden. Its annoying that we’d already spent £90 on bark for the local tree surgeon to tell us he’d do us a load for £20 so now we had more than we knew what to do with! Mr D came home and we didn’t stop shovelling in the sun for hours! I made the rash decision that a easy way to get rid of a lot of woodchips was to do the front garden too. We only had a small lawn at the front so filled the whole thing. On reflection I wasn’t sure if I’d done the right thing! By 9pm we were buggered but there was only a small pile left so we were pretty chuffed and it must of been pretty good exercise!! We decided to have our treat night tonight and I ordered a lamb shaslick set meal whilst the Mr had a curry whilst watching Planet of the Apes. Loads left over but it was bloody lovely! Obviously I didn’t waste the left overs, we’ll save those for tomorrow!!

19/07/14 We woke up to a miserable rainy day out of the window. No Willington today then! I got Mr D up and we went for a nosey around a house clearance. Ive never to been to a house clearance before but after spending a lot of my time watching Kirsty I was hoping for some old dears house full of really old beautiful items but no it was a small modern smelly house in Burton. We didn’t stay long and we left empty handed! I bought some more flowers but it still being miserably and rainy we cosied up inside. We tried much harder to eat healthier. We like a big salad but easily get tempted with breads and cheeses. The sun started to peek out so we had a mad dash outside running around trying to finish off the chippings! We made it and had enough time to get showered and zoom off to the cinema to watch the next Planet of the Apes. It was rammed but it was bloody great! We ate a whole salted popcorn but thats got to be better than peanut m and ms and ice cream right?? I only had to shout at the teenage boys behind me once at a very crucial moment of the film when I could here them talking very loudly about what was about to happen! After what I thought was pretty polite for me when I turned round and shouted for them to 'shut up' They were silent for the rest of the film. I didnt swear that means I was polite.

20/07/14 I had a lie in today didn’t wake up until 9.15am! To be fair I was awake at 5.45 but managed to snooze off which is good for me. No exciting Sunday here straight back in to the garden! 2 hours of cleaning down, weeding and sweeping and finally the garden is starting look pretty good! Even though we had plenty of shopping in I couldn’t resist going for Sunday bargains as I’d not been for a while and it was so worth it! I spent £3.70, that 37 items at 10p each! I got lots of fresh fish I put straight in the freezer. Fruit, salad and all sorts of goodies. Bargains put me in a good mood! At home we finished our mozake garden table. Ha we sound so sad but we finished it together and it looks pretty damn bloody good! The garden is looking pretty damn good ready for our engagment BBQ next weekend. All this gardening has to be good exercise too! Wow I've just reaslised how boring my day sounded!! That deffo will never make my book :)

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