Sunday 13 July 2014

Swinging their hips and shaking their tits!

30/06/14 Mr D was a little rough today but we were happy to spend the day together. We went and got some more bark for the garden which sounds so boring but our garden is really starting to look lovely. Don’t get me wrong its a complete ball ache! I just buy things that look pretty I havnt really got a clue about whats best to grow! But gardening is pretty good exercise unfortunately my body was still aching from Insanity so the Mr had to do all the manly work lifting the bags of bark whilst I made a picnic. We went for a lovely healthy picnic I made a bulger wheat salad with bits of feta cheese steak and plenty of greens! Salads are only good if u make an effort with them. Steak is the answer!! We had a lovely afternoon we then headed to Ashbourne to look at wedding caterers. I just nodded politely as they told me very high prices. It would be lovely to go with the lovely local produce but its just too bloody expensive! Someone give me a costco card so I can buy some reels of cheese!! Tonight I cooked a seafood linguini. I bloody love cooking, prawns and trout in a low fat creme fresh sauce with a good hint of chilli. With some wholemeal spaghetti spinach, onions and peas. Must admit it was bloody good! I’m not good at many things but I like to think I’m not bad at cooking and i do love pleasing the Mr with good food!

1/07/14 I am bloody shattered!! Mr D and his bloody man flu kept me up all night!! Coughing and spluttering, tossing and turning, blowing his nose, getting up for a lemsip, getting up for a tissue, getting up for ibuprophene! But I stuck to my plan and me and Mrs B went to Kats 6.30am boot camp class! We started with a jog. I STILL BLOODY HATE JOGGING! I just can’t do it. The class was good there was only 4 of us so it felt like a personal trainer session. It was different to before I didnt feel like I was in the way or interrupting which is how I felt before. Like an outsider in their friendship group I can’t talk about babies and children and catchment areas for schools much because I don’t have any! I like the girls but I didn’t know the people they chatted about and I always felt as the fat one I was always the one behind and I just was not as hard core as them. I couldn’t go to classes every night like they did because I like spending time with Mr D too much. I guess exercising is just not as important to me as it is for some! but I liked this class. Kat knows what I’m good at now and what I struggle with and I felt confident enough to ask if I could go on the rower instead of my second jog. This also gave me chance to have a good natter with Kat and fill her in on why I disappeared for a while. I felt really good and back on track after the morning sess of squats and kettle bells. Jumps and some kind of hand stand walking up the wall thingy. I felt good and like I was back in the zone. I didn’t go back to bed like I thought I might but went to homebase and spent too much money on my new veggie patch! What do you do in your spare time? I exercise and garden! Get me, fucking old bastard!! By the time I got to work I was shattered and had to spend most of my day drinking diet coke! I feel like I’m starting to get a routine and I’m in a good place again. Unfortunately even when I’ve been orgainised bringing in healthy snacks because of the shocking food at work I ate a doughnut today! I’m not even that bothered about doughnuts it was just bloody there its sweet glaze glistening! So I ate half an hour later I ate the other half. Bloody doughnuts calling me!!

2/07/14 Today the photo went up on facebook of the end of the insanity class. I look like a massive blob on the corner next to all the fitties. I look disgusting!

Highlight of my day gem on the radio on the way home and blasting out Backstreet Boy ‘I want it thaaaaattt way’

Now this is a sign of a pretty boring day!

3/07/14 I woke up feeling thinner today and I slept a little better. Mr Ds man flu is starting to ease up so after dozing for a while this morning I got up to go BLT. The instructer was back this week and it was the beefcake, dragon tattoed, thighs of steel lady I’d seen a few times. It was a good class she worked us hard and some of it was similar to what Kat does. Lots of weights and squats and lunges but I wasn’t really feeling it today. All she kept talking about was how she was aching from last night and that she was covered in baby oil or something. She had tiny black shorts on and kept pulling them right up so we could see that she was wearing her mans boxer shorts. No thanks love. You are definately not getting us in a sweat its the bloody lack of air con! There is no air con in the council gyms so there like a sauna! I know its cheap but fucking hell with all the millions of fans going that must be costing loads for electricity! Buy some fucking air con! I didn’t givet it 100% probably about 85 but better than nothing!
 I had a lovely shift at work I am so settled it feels like I’ve been here for ages. I was in the bungalow tonight which is for a couple of independent students I’m not supposed to start in this bit until September. Your supposed to build up to it so I’m guessing I’m doing okay then! After jobs and spending sometime with other students we made crispie cakes, watched a DVD painted our nails and drank options hot chocolate! Even though I had to put up with watching the fucking awful every middle age womans fave film Mama Mia it was still a really good night at work. Im feeling good about getting back into my exercise routine but I need to be stronger on my diet. No thank you no crispie cake for me I’m eating carrot sticks! Ugh I’ll try harder tomorrow.

04/07/14 Fridays are a good day in school as we normally go out and about in the morning and then the afternoon goes really quick! Today we went off to ikea! This excited me I thought maybe I had chance to buy a few goodies on my way round with the kids but we only made it as far as the caf! The food smelt good! Not only did it smell good but it was dirt cheap! A big fry up for £2.25. My 2 favourite things- good grub and at a bargain price! Then people started coming out with meatballs! Equally cheap! Nobody went for hot food just cakes. Cheap lovely looking cakes! It was a battle. The kid I was with choose a nutty cheese cake, it looked guey and lovely. I opted for a bottomless diet coke and squeezed in 2 and a half glasses this made me happy even if it was just the cheap stuff! One thing I do miss about my old job is that when you took kids out for a drink you’d get yours paid for too. Not at this job so you either keep paying out yourself or you sit there with nothing whilst everybody else indulges! Ugh

Due to taking a pay cut and me saving hard at the moment this month I’m already skint. This is not like me! I indulged too much on garden luxuries and keep buying things for the wedding! But MrD  is a bloody gent and insisted on taking me out for dinner we went to Zizzi and I tried to make a reasonable choice and went for a chicken pasta in crème fresh with spring onions and it was lovely! We did have a side of garlic bread and went for a raspberry beer afterwards but was pretty well behaved for the weekend! No pud for me!

05/07/14 Up and out to dance fit! I knew I hadn’t booked so had to wangle my way in but I managed it. It was a busy class with some regulars. Posh Spice was there and the man out of detectives (not Jasper Carrot the other one). The instructer is about 8 months pregnant and about to pop so she couldn’t do half the moves so had to watch the arse lickers on the front row who know the moves even better than the instructers. Theres Ulrika Johnson and sweat band girl. When theres a new dance they remind of the over excited kids I work with all trying to do better than the other at dance fit! Then behind them is the line of ladies about to hit the big 50 dancing like there in a disco night club. Hooped ear rings and the lastest trashy primark top but look like there having the time of their lives swinging their hips and shaking their tits! And when she played Ricky Martin ‘She Bangs’ they were in their element! Booties swaying, blonde streaked pony tails swaying!! Got admit I quite liked it myself (the song not the Kugers saggy swaying arse cheeks) and then she even did a squatting routine to Mcfly! I bloody love Mcfly and I swear I work 10 times harder when its a track I like. Thats why I’m just not motivated to dance music. I fucking hate it!

We then went off to Mr Ds friends annual camping party! Where his school friends every year go camping in the beautiful Osmanton which each year the field changes on part of his parents amazing land. Ooo how the other half live! This time last year I’d only been with Mr D for 3 weeks and I was meeting his friends for the first time so I drank a litre of vodka and made mud angels on the floor when I could no longer walk. This year was quite different. Mr Ds friends are like him all outdoorsy, geeky country bumpkins! They all arrived with their walking back packs and ooed over Simons leatherman (?!) knife. Which means nothing to me and I was just sat there in my 50s swing skirt and converse which is about as casual as I get! The good thing is this means theve got the whole camping thing covered. The tents were up in a flash, one guy had bought a spade to clear the cow pat and the guys jumped on a truck to pick up fire wood. It was lovely we ate, drank, played with a BB gun and chilled by a fire. Not matter how much I take the piss I would love all my friends to get together in a field and go camping. None of my friends own a field. Though this set up is pretty much what our wedding will be like I’ll just be in a pretty dress, they’ll be some live music instead of somebodies I phone and some port a loos instead of peeing behind a bush!

06/07/14 We were up pretty early and had some breakfast around the campfire. Bacon was cooked in the hot embers and Mr D was in his elemant geting out his little stoves and cooking scrambled eggs and beans (the only time Mr D enjoys cooking when hes in the great outdoors with his gadgets!) Luckily we didn’t have to hang around too long. I hate wasting my Sundays, as Mr D needed a dump so we were home by about 11.
 Later on we were off to try pizza!! A few days ago I’d wrote on facebook asking if anyone knew any catering vans for a wedding and a old chum of mine piped up and said her friend was just setting up a clay pizza business. Perfect! We went over for her ‘pizza trial party’ which was just her friends really at her husbands studio. At first we couldn’t get in! We’d come all the way there and the studio door was locked. Nobody answered when we knocked! We could see over a gate behind the van but its not like these people were our friends so we couldn’t really just yell at them to open up! We gave up and were heading home when we got a phone call so off we went back there again! Mr D was mega pissed off but soon chilled out when he had a slice of fresh pizza in his mouth! They seemed a really nice couple. The pizza was good and would be perfect for our festival style wedding. She also said she’d look after us with it being her first booked wedding! OOosh perfect!!

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