Monday 3 March 2014

Tasted like horse shit

Sunday 16th February

This morning I decided not to be lazy and dragged the Mr out of bed to have a nosey round the carboot. I do love a good bargain!! Unfortunately not much about as it is still February and pretty bloody chilly.
The Mr has had a look at the blog and told me how bad my spellings and grammar are and also how I accidently mis spelt his name last week. I can’t even get one letter write oops. Well yes I could go over it all and check it with a fine tooth comb but I like to think it’s just part of its rustic charm.

We went over to the D’s for a roast dinner. I forgot to remind them about not eating potatoes and Yorkshire pud. So when its plated up and put in front of me my will power failed and I enjoyed a good roast dinner with all the trimmings. I feel my will power slowly draining and not sure how to find it again. I’ve not weighed now in ages. The personal  trainer told me not too because its all about the inches so unfortunately I can not currently inform you of my progress. Maybe I should weigh in soon? Just a sneaky peek there must be some change!?

Monday 17th February

 Half term started today. Which in a stressful job like ours is a nice little breather and also a chance to spend time with my team J Unfortunately my team are not always the healthiest of folks and I arrived to a multi pack of biscuits. Luckily Cock was being cheap and bought a cheapo pack so I wasn’t tempted by bourbons and nice nasties. Now if it was a chocolate hobnobs that would be a different story! Feeling strong. The boss then bought in some homemade biscuits which I didn’t even look until around 10am when I started grazing and one of her biscuits was consumed.

Disapointed with myself!!

Though the plus point of half term and having owed time is i can go to a gym class on my lunch break! Fabulous!

Today I went to Zumba. Now zumba comes in all different shapes and forms. This class is what I like to call Naughty Hippy Hip-Hop Zumba. I like it and I like the lady. She once took over Kats Tuesday night class and people were walking out. It was poor, people were rude. I saw her a week later when I was pissed as a fart in the ladies loo’s! All I can recollect was slurring and a drunken hug and telling her how great her classes were.

Anyway the class was good. Its a shake your boobs alot wiggle your bum kind of class with a few jumps and thrusts. How many calories do you burn when your shaking your tits from side to side every few minutes?

Tuesday 18th February

Today I was angry!!!  Me and Mr D have been saving to go away somewhere fabulous and last night we found the most amazing holiday to Hong Kong. We researched it and it would have been amazing! Nearly 3 weeks of travelling and within our budget. Until I got the phone call. Mr D couldn’t get off one day flat bang in the middle of what would have been our Hong Kong trip. CUNTS! For the rest of the day I decided everybody was cunts! I even wrote a nice little poster with just the word CUNT and put it above my desk. I went for a angry lunchtime swim where I swam probably harder and faster than I ever have done before. I was just angry and swimming. I was absolutely shattered after 15 minutes!! And a little calmer.
Fucking Hong Kong CUNTS!!

I ate a box of mikado. 11 calories a stick there just so easy just to pop into your mouth and then a whole box had gone! How many are in a box?! Crap. I need to stop with the snacking. I don’t know how people in office jobs cope!! Snacks are just part of the routine. Bit of typing, little snack.

That evening my work amigo Minge tried to convince me that the Head teacher had walked in and seen my CUNT poster and I was now in the shit! And she very nearly convinced me. She said this was to get us back for the rude pictures we took on her phone. IT WASNT MY HAIRY ARSE CRACK!!

Wednesday 19th February

Another day in the office. Good intentions started with a round of beans on toast for the team but this is okay. I said it was okay but I know toast at work is never good and I can fool myself as much as I want but uncut bread I bought for 11p is not going to be the same as a thin sliced number. Even writing this makes me drool a little.  A slice of warm buttered toast is one of the most tempting things there is. The smell just arouses the nostrils. Toast. Simple but amazing.

I hit triple challenge again with Big Mama. She wasn’t quite as vile as last time. I’m thinking maybe she was hungover on the Saturday. The class was good. Theres a regular bird on the front row who is small and very round and she works her arse off. I’m impressed with her. Us fat birds can work hard! but why does she below add a turn here. Add a extra turn. Why? What does turning do but make you dizzy? is adding a extra turn going to make me thin?? Well if thats what Big Mamas secret is it obviously don't fucking work!!

Went to my mums for tea tonight. I came organised and took round a good quality sausage casserole full of veggies and lentils and goodness. I love to cook and think this does tend to keep on track alot. Since trying to eat ‘clean’ I have been eating some new ingredients like quinoa which we now eat regularly. Last week I roasted jersulum artichoke tasted like horse shit.

Thursday 20th February

Day 4 in the office and though its nice to catch up with my team and have a giggle office life just isn’t for me! Its just fucking boring!! I know I moan that people piss me off alot and when I get a smack in the face, called a fuckin fat bitch or a glass of orange juice chucked on me at at 9am and end up sticky and gross all day.

Its expensive this eating clean shit! Cocunut oil, cashunut butter, naked bars, organic nuts, quinoea, fancy lentils and bulgar wheat. Can I just ask for these for my birthday? I no its not your usual present but you could dress it up in a nice hamper with a bow. Oo and I would like some kettle bells. What am I turning into wanting fitness goodies for my birthday?! Next I’ll be getting rid of my juke box and getting a tread mill there instead Ha ha no fucking way.

Everybodies talking about my birthday and its less than a month now until my party. I was hoping I would be 2 stone lighter to be honest I’m not even sure if I’m one stone lighter.  I’m feeling better and making changes in my eating for life. I’m nearly fucking 30. Fat, ginger and 30 bloody hell good job I’m not on the shelf. I want to be getting thinner as a hit my 30s. Mr D is 26 nice young bit of totty! Anyway all my faves at work are talking about there outfits and so are my family so its important I smash my outfit and most important that I fit in it!!

Friday 21st February

ROAD TRIP TIME!!! We’d been really looking forward to going to London today and set off early. Took a picnic to take with us starting off with cashnut butter bagels for breakfast. My plan was its treat night but I want to spread that across the weekend. Not go crazy but to enjoy my weekend away and eating out. Not a bad start though I did have a sausage roll, not so good! But we walked miles and miles doing all geeky sight seeing. Big Ben, Tower of London, the London eye. Obviously with all the walking we got a bit of a thirst on so had to nip to the pub for a swift pint. Mmm lager and blackcurrent its been a while! Back at the hotel in true holiday form me and Mr D decided to do shots before we went down for dinner. Now shots of wine arn’t the best choice and many more later we went for grub. Mr D ordered a mushroom and goats cheese burger. When he took a few bites in he realised it was simply a mushroom and a piece of cheese. It doesn’t just take a fat bird to know that that is no ‘burger’ but the stupid young prick of a bar man couldn’t understand this and thought he would be mocked if he took this back to the kitchen. Fucking prick. The Mr had to snack crisp butties in the room instead.

Saturday 22nd February

Woke up feeling a tiny bit tender. I’d been tossing and turning since 5am not suprising I’d had plenty of sleep passing out pissed off with the bar man and rather inebriated at about 9.30 pm lol. Stuck to my plan and had a good healthy breakfast of eggs and mushrooms and we went off for another days adventures. Unfortunately in full holiday mode I came across a choice. Do I try and be good or do I think fuck it and enjoy my holiday and enjoy my food. Of course I went for the latter. Starting with the chocolate pastry part of some of the goodies I took from breakfast time. We had fun and we indulged on street food at Camden eating lunch at 1pm and then eating our dinner only a few hours later because the food there was so good. I lovely juicy ostrich burger and little fried potatoes. We tried a variety of things all amazingly good. The puddings also looked amazing but there was no room for pudding even in its chocolatey goodness. We headed to Leicester Square in the evening after a few cheeky beverages and at last minute got tickets to see a show. Turned out to be pretty posh but unfortunately as I sipped my £8 a glass of wine I was approached by a elder lady who politely pointed out I had my dress tucked in my knickers. Bastard!

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