Tuesday 11 March 2014

Does my arse look as big as hers?

Sunday 23rd February

We sat down for breakfast 40 minutes before the end and there was nothing left. All thoughts of making good choices were out the window as I was pissed off! Why advertise it until 10.30 when there’s nothing left at 09.50. BASTARDS. No eggs, mushrooms or tomatoes. Cold sausage butty it is then and then it was those horrible herby sausages. Why stuff so many herbs in a sausage so you can’t even taste the sausage. Herby sausage bastards! Decided to grab some hazelnuts to snack on later. Unfortunately they didn’t last that long as I decided to throw them at Mr.Ds head down the corridor. This then lead to a 30 minute try and get the hazelnut in the others ear/nostril/ belly button so no hazelnuts were actually consumed but I must of burned a few calories off wrestling and giggling so much! Then Mr D had come up with a great idea. Off to the seaside. It was cold and windy but we had a fabulous time just trying to walk down the peer without getting swept out to sea. This has got to be a good point about being heavy. I have less chance of being swept out to sea! FACT!

I forgot to mention at last night theatre trip they got our seats wrong. Now this was pretty annoying but what was most annoying is would I get the ice cream I ordered for the interval? Would it go to my original seats??! Luckily I made sure that my £4.50 very small (was called a large) ice cream I had to share with the Mr did arrive at my new seat. Phew!!

Monday 24th February

Today I decided to start a detox. 2 weeks until my birthday just to eat porridge, salad then a healthy dinner. Cut down on snacks, cut down on crisps. I love crisps.

I managed to get in on a PE lesson in the gym this afternoon. Though I’m not a fan of the gym. I find it boring and like to move equipment every 2 minutes. I worked a lot on the rower and the cross trainer. Trying to work hard where possible and burn some calories so I don’t have to go to a class after work. When the students nipped out to the loo, I sprinted for 1 minute as fast as I could take it. Unfortunately the sound of my heavy weight pounding fast on the treadmill was pretty loud. I would like to have done this another few times but there was no way I was going to do that in front of the students. That’s social suicide! I’d never live it down!!

Stuck to the plan today. Ate no snacks and just 3 healthy meals shaaaa booooom.

What do me and Mr D get up to in the bedroom? Well tonight we had a full lengthy discussion on crisps. We discussed flavours, brands, textures. What we liked, what we didn’t like.  Myself a
I like a good salty crisp. A good quality ready salted crisp can do it bang on! There was once walkers cheese and chive flavour, now they were good. Whatever happened to them? Mr D likes a good cheesey crisp like a wotsit. There a few I don't like smoky bacon, chicken and frazzles. I'd be having to feel pretty desperate to eat a bag of these but anything else is good. You have to throw in a wild card every now and then and go for a nik nak or scampi fries.

Tuesday 25th February

I am just feeling good today. I’m happy. Work isn’t too bad. My birthdays coming and I’m starting to get really excited! I’ve just found out a few of my good friends are travelling from all over the places to make it to my party. Unfortunately there are downsides to this happiness it means I let things slip. Because I feel happy I happily ate some milkado again!! What is it with these little chocolatey sticks of goodness?! Just because there only 11 calories a stick doesn’t mean I can casually eat a whole box of an afternoon. Day 2 and I’ve already slipped up my no snacking.

I aimed to go for a swim after work until I collected some boxes from the kitchen. This quickly gave me a excuse to ant to go straight home and sort out things to sell on the carboot sale at the weekend. So rather than exercise I went home to rummage around in the shed.

Tonight I started watching the second series of ‘My fat Diary’ I love it!! Its like a teenage version of mine ! I would love for one day my blog to be put into a TV series I can just imagine the scenes of some of the classes I describe. Mr D thinks it makes me over think things more. I ask questions like ‘Does my arse look as big as hers?’

Wednesday 26th February

Feeling crap about not being able to stick to even a few days of detox I wrote on a few of the support groups on the internet for a bit of support. My personal trainers answer ‘work hard or go home’ Well I am at home. I guess this is something I just have to do myself. Want myself. Only I can make these changes. Sometimes life just seems to get in the way! I guess it all it just about how much do I want this.

We found another holiday today this time it was a multi centre safari. Safari is what I really had my heart set on. It was within budget and looked amazing... until I got home and did my research. Two of the hotels were amazing just what we wanted but the hotel where we were staying for 6 days wasn’t quite right. It was city based so no pool and not close enough to the beach. BOLLOCKS really thought this was the right one. Instant bad mood but this evening I’d booked a groupon meal at The Boot Inn. A cool little pub with open fire, I tried to get out of the bad mood and enjoy a nice meal out with Mr D. I was hoping that there would be a good hearty healthy meal on the menu I could eat. The booking was at 7.45 so on arrival I was already hungry which is not always the best when faced with healthy or unhealthy options. As if the place had fucking shut down!! Cheeky bastards had took my booking 2 weeks ago probably knowing it was shut down. CUNTS.

The Mr knowing the best way to get me in a good mood offered me a bargain. Wednesdays 2 for 1 at pizza express. A good bargain is a way to make me happy. Not the best choice but a good choice for the wallet. Pizza express must be one of the healthiest pizzas. Good fresh ingredients. No stuffed crusts or thick doughy bases. No layers of cheese and oils. Just a light healthier version. Can’t be that bad can it?!

Thursday 27th February

Started the day feeling good as my trousers felt really big. I know when I put these trousers on they tend to be a little big anyway but they felt really big today. This made me feel good and positive about being on the right path today. When I got to work Mr M a quiet calm kind of man that i don’t have a lot to do with said I was looking well and made a gesture with his hands so I knew he meant slimmer. This was good coming from him as he’s not the kind of man that would say something if he didn’t believe it.

I had to go off site at last minute today so my lunch was left in the fridge. Bad move. I popped into b and m to try and find something to eat. I ended up just standing in the middle of the cookie and crisp isle. I just wanted to buy all the bad stuff I wanted to stuff my face full of hobnob biscuits that were only 59p! How can you compete with that? Chocolate flapjacks for 19p, packs of salted nuts 10p!! Tell me somewhere I can go and buy something healthy for that price? I left with my pack of diet coke and a box of mini packs of chocolate buttons intending to eat one. I went to the sandwich shop ordered a wholemeal tuna salad cob and it came out the size of a submarine! But how can you eat a sandwich without crisps? Which was later followed by 2 mini bags of chocolate buttons. I gave the rest away I thought it was the best option.

Crap another unsuccessful day of healthy eating at work. My levels of not caring and then feeling guilty are all over the place. I did get home to a healthy casserole. I do cook a good healthy meal every evening full of vegetables and lean meat. Its just the day time snacking I need to get on top of. The Mr was out this evening something to do with my birthday present. I hate surprises I’ve got a few ideas what it might be. Hes put a lot of time and thought into bless him. He’s a good one. An evening to myself a nice luxury bubble bath with the bath bombs my cousin made for me as she read my blog and know bubble baths help not to snack! What a lovely thought! Thanku Miss D!!

Friday 28th February

It was a long day at work today. Had to go out to Notts then spend some time whilst getting kicked on numerous occasions trying to calm a student down. Days like today can be so draining you already feel like you’ve run a mile then you have to go home you have to make yourself do exercise and today is Friday so this meant personal trainer time!! I really did not want to go I was worn out and just wanted a nice night in but I went and she worked me hard! Tonight we did a lot of kettle bells which I actually quite enjoyed and want to get some for home. Then she made us jog. I FUCKING HATE JOGGING!! I don’t know why because its not like its  that hard to do. I can do hard work out classes none stop for an hour but I can’t do a 10 minute jog. What’s wrong with me?? I just hate it and when I’m doing it all I can think of is how much I hate it and don’t want to do it!! I’m out of my breath I want to walk. I’m loads behind the other 2 girls which should embarrass me enough to make some more effort but I just cant. I FUCKING HATE IT!!

We only had half treat night tonight with last weekend being so treat filled we opted for a tandoori mixed grill. Plenty of chicken and salad and just a bit of nan bread and I finally got my night settled on the sofa. I felt pretty bloody proud of myself for still doing it tonight!! Boooooom go me!! And get this tonight when I got home I ordered myself a arm band so I can put my I phone in when I have to jog. All I need now is some good jogging tunes to make me forget I’m jogging and jog hard to the music!! Please feel free to let me know your personal jogging music choices.

Saturday 1st March

Mr D was at work so my plan was to get up and go to a class but as usual something got in the way. THE SUNSHINE! Been a while since we’ve had a nice bit of sunshine so I called up my mum and we went off to Willington and bought lots of cheap nice flowers then went back to mine and I planted them. Gardening has to be a good bit of exercise! I then had a full busy day with my mum visiting my brother new house and going out for lunch. We went to harvester as I love the salad bar. I was very good going for chicken and jacket potatoe but I left the whole jacket and just had it with salad! Whoo get me didn’t even sneek a bit of the crispy skin! Mr D came home and we started doing a spot more gardening. Sweeping, picking up leaves etc until quite late now this has got to be good on the bingo wings! And the fact I’d been on my feet none stop all day! Who needs the gym anyway??!!

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