Monday 15 December 2014

Get my at Lazy arse back to the gym!

01/12/14 Not the best start to December the shower has broken and I left the parking ticket after the ferry in Mr Ds old car that has now been sold and after 3 emails to P and O ferries they still haven’t replied so that means I’ll be on the phone to 0800 numbers today! Great and I need to ring up orange and find out why the fuck my bills are so expensive!!! Bloody great day! Well the phone didn’t ring for supply so this meant I had lots of time for my annoying shity expensive phone calls I need to make! I decided to put all this off and get my fat lazy arse in gear and go to the gym!!

I decided today was the day to go back to the gym!! Feeling like I needed to do something to really push my weight loss and not doing any exercise makes me like a proper lazy lard arse!! So off i went. On arrival i realised they had one of those fancy machines that you can weigh yourself on and do your body fats and everything! Fabulous I can pop straight on that bad boy whenever I fancy it!! I was disappointed that it was only showing i was 1lb lower than last week. Still seeing that dreaded stone mark that i never wanted to see again!! Ugh disappointing. I was getting off and I could hear the Hippy hip hop zumba lady trying to get my attention ‘Hey, have you signed the petition yet?’ I went over and there was a group of them saying how they are trying to get rid of Moorways. I said I had no idea Ive not been for a bit and signed the petition. I don’t want it to close down. I like the big hall with about 15 people in the class. Not small enough that all the attention is on you but not big enough that if you put your arm out in a dance move that you hit the next person on the boob! Not covered in mirrors so i have to see a big wobberly mess trying to dance infront of me. I think Moorways is just right. It was good to be back. I must admit I do feel so much at home at a council class. A mismatched bunch of people all shapes and sizes some in their unflattering lycra some in there baggy trackies and primark pumps. I slotted myself at the back the regulars were there , next to Dectives man in his pink shorts and hid behind the moon and star tattoo lady. Same folk that have been going for years. Strange how Ive never noiced any of these people lose weight? Maybe they just do it for fun or so they can eat more of what they want? Its a happy bunch no one up themselves. I’ll be sad if this place closes down its just the right place for me! Then theres the instructer! Miss Hip Hop lady today looked like she’d just jumped out of bed even though it was 11am! Her hair had been slung back in a very greasy looking pony tail she had a smudge of yesterdays eyeliner still under her eyes from what looks like yesterday. She had a baggy white top pulled into a knot on the side which her black bra on show on the sides and peeking out the top. All she needed now was a mini skirt and stilleteos and she’d look like a crack whore! I like her.
02/12/14 Feeling good about going back to class yesterday I thought i’d carry on whilst Im in the zone and go to another of hippy hip hop ladies classes ‘dance fit’ I was disappointed when i remembered we had to get our step out. I bloody hate step aerobics and if i wanted to do bloody step I wouldn’t have gone to a dance class!! Someone somewhere has obviously decided that dancing is not working all the muscles or not working us hard enough so weve got to add a step in the middle! I struggle at the best of times dong hands and legs at the same time so adding a bloody step in the middle just made it even harder ‘step up,  step off, turn, jump over’ Ugh not for me! 20 minutes in and I was sweating like a bitch! I may not be enjoying it as much and getting my feet in all the wrong places but i deffo seemed to be working harder!! There were some new routines chopping down straw and some Susie Sues. I mean what the hell is a Susie Sue? Who comes up with these moves?! Maybe I will come back next week! We soon got rid of the steps, did some more dancing and some abs work.

Time for work again. Nothing to report. Jacket potatoe and beans for tea. (I say jacket but not sure its counted when the potatoe is boiled)

03/12/14 The morning went quick. I was good at just ate my yogurt and wasnt tempted by the usual weigh morning nibbles!! I weighed myself again. I know its really not good my new obsession with the scales! I just cant help myself. I have to know where Im at! i think about it all the time, nearly as much as food. How I can fit in another weigh in!
Time for fat club! Feeling pretty good and really wanting to lose 3lb so I finally hit the stone and a half award!! But i had that feeling of nwhen you really want it and it doesnt happen! With my 2 lb gain last week and my maintain the week before it feels like Ive been hoovering around this weight for too long. Really need to smash through this barrier!! Got on the scales and lost 3lbs!!! Oooooshhh so happy right now!! Exactly what I wanted, back on track! The smile did not leave my face!!
I ate my lunch in the car today as I just couldnt do it in class it was too naughty!! Big fat beef and cheese salad crusty white cob with butter! yep butter! A bag of cheese and onion crisps and a snickers! It was bloody fantastic!! Sometimes it is just the simple things you want to eat!!! What a proper fat bird thing to do! Sitting shovelling my naughty food down my throat in the car.
I grazed all afternoon again. Not as bad. Tonight with the kids I ate crackers! A whole load of crackers smoothered in cheap marg! If I was going to have a binge I really need to start picking something worth all those bloody syns Who wastes there treat night on crackers??

04/12/14 Feels weird being up and getting ready for work on a Thursday morning when i finished at 10.30 last night. Sleepily getting ready when I have no shower and trying to make myself a yummy packed lunch when the whole class are having Mcdonalds!! The staff have been planning what they are having for weeks. I am strong who wants Mcdonalds anyway?? I was ready for the cold Christmas day out with my snowman jumper,wellies, wolly hate and my pasta with roasted veggies, bacon and light phili. Off we went with my regular cake loving class to the Snowdome. I started feeling very christmasy as we arrived. Buble was blasting out his Christmas tunes (only exceptable to listen to Buble at chrismas!) Firstly you go to the snow area and you can go on sleigh and down little hills on rubber rings! I was feeling so christmasy!! Then you go to see a awful little christmas panto. Which was so awful it was amusing in places. Santa kept thrusting? Odd. Then you get to go to see the animals. Reindeers and strange little horses. It was fab shame we whizzed through and were only there 25 minutes. We got back and everybody had there Mcdonalds. Big mac and milkshake, chicken nuggets, big portions of fries! I just wanted to ram my face in the bag and suck up all the fries!! mmm but nope I was a good girl and ate my pasta. Dieting sucks ass!!

It was so good to have Thursday evening at home. Bubble bath, Chinese style chicken and veggie curry with vegetable stir fry (deffo got my 5 a day there!!) and the only way I like stirfry! Hobbit on the TV, making homemade Christmas cards with the pooch and the Mr. Christmas pjs on. Fabulous, just the kind of night I like at home.

Mr D wouldn’t let me eat number 24 on my advent calendar! One just wasn’t cutting it tonight. Im going to be way too excited to worry about my advent calendar on Christmas eve. Bah humbug!!

05/12/14 Woke up with a really soar throat. Perfect for my day off and a weekend in a caravan ugh! Now I need to use my presience syns on throat sweets and lempsips! Still good to be off on a Friday!! Im not letting this soar throat beat me. Had 3 green teas with lots of lemon juice and some iburophen. I could not bring myself to waste my syns on sweets that taste like soap!!
Me and my mum went off to town to do a bit of christmas shopping!! We had a spot of lunch at the food hall and went for greek. I'd got a groupon voucher and got us both a meal and drink for £7. It wasnt great, it was okay. We were good and we had mixed meat salad. We said no to the pitta that came without. My mum makes good choices when I do. She was going to have chips and a pitta!! I like being a good influence. I did some christmasy things at home, it felt like a Saturday.
It was great not being tired on a Friday night! We had home made burgers and chips for dinner. I needed it after watching everybody else eat burgers yesterday. I didnt need to have my usual lazy night in. We went off to see Mr Ds family and go to the Ashbourne market. It was as shit as last year the same stall they have open every saturday day time selling sofa cushions and old lady underwear. But the christmas tunes were blasting there were a few stalls with over priced reefs and candles and the smell of naughty food was in the air. We popped for a drink and had a catch up with the family and popped in to see his grandparents and more family on the way home. The market was crap but was nice to see Mr Ds family! I bumped in to one of my old chums from my old work. The one who originally offered us her field for us to have our wedding in. Was great to see her but made me miss my old work chums even more. Loyal, good people that always have your back and who you can tell a filthy joke too. Thats what I miss.

06/12/14 Really wasn’t feeling well this morning my throat was really hurting and I felt sick. Mr D was up early as the man was supposed to come and fix the shower at 8am. He cancelled about 8.30am. Ugh still no shower. I thought my feeling sick would wear off and it was just to do with my soar throat but no I ended up having a mad dash to the toilet and chucking up loads of water. Fabulous! Happy Saturday! Went back to bed and 15 minutes later I made the dash again. This time froffy water?! Whats that about? Im not hungover! Not had any bloody booze!!

An hour later and a couple of my fave slimming world bars and I felt fine! How odd! Mr D had been busy getting the caravan ready for trip and was happy I was feeling better! Caravan packed nicely with all our stuff, we then had to get it off the drive!! Luckily a few of her helpful neighbours were around and we got it off with no problems. So off we went in our first adventure in Wilma! We arrived 45 minutes later in a little spot in Moira. Parked up with no problems. The sun was shining but it was chilly. Mr D was having trouble with the electrics and just couldn’t get them working. Me and the pooch sat there shivering and after a hour of faffing decided we needed to go out and buy a fuse. A swift trip to the shops and a lot of time of Mr D trying out different fuses and us then realsing one of the plug sockets was sparking quickly rewired and spent a few hours very toasty with our electric heater on and bangers, mash and baked beans yum!! The dog settled in nicely. Just the three of having a cheeky drink in our warm little home away from home.

We then went off to my bessies house which i thought was round the corner but a 10 minute walk in the cold. Mr D went off to the pub with the pooch, the bessies hubby and his mate whilst the girls had a little christmasy evening! Very civilised evening of sticking cloves in oranges and eating mince pies. Apart from I gave the mince pies a miss and the mini pizzas, sausage rolls, cheese saviouries and Pringles. Lots of yummy snacks and not one passed my lips i was very good! I knew once I started I wouldn’t stop. I used my syns on a bottle of wine and a cup of mulled wine! So it was even harder not to snack! Luckily i’d come armed with the onion bhagees I’d made and the rolo cakes. The rolo cakes were pretty shit but they filled a hole! I really need to get better at baking slimming world puds!! It was a nice evening and I was quite merry when the boys stumbled through the door. The bessies hubby was battered. Mr D wasn’t too far behind him. With our dog in the mix the 4 dogs were going crazy so I decided it was better we made a quick exit. As we walked out the door Mr D tripped over the dog lead and was covered in mud. He then moaned about his ankle hurting and swayed all the way home which took us double the time. When we finally get in he attempted to put the bed together. When he couldn’t do he then moaned at me for not knowing how to do it! (hes never shown me!!) After setting it up he sat on the edge of the bed feeling sick. He then said 'I feel sick so Im going into the car’ I gave him a blanket and off he went outside in the freezing cold night in just his boxers. 20 minutes later I tried to get him to come in but he just snored at me.I couldn’t settle so I just read my book. Half an hour later he came banging on the door. I let him in and he was freezing! He seemed a little more sober and we finally got tucked up in bed. 5 minutes later I said to him ‘did you lock the car’ he replied ‘I don’t know’ and then went to sleep. So out i went in to the cold! The car was open and he’d left the keys on the front seat. Finally time to get some sleep!! On the plus point all the chaosis of the evening meant I’d not got home and had the skips and hot chocolate I’d planned!!

07/12/14 Woke up very toasty in the caravan! Alot more toasty than our own house!! Mr D was very apologetic this morning and said he’d make it up to me and make us breakfast. I felt a little bit rough, I could tell I’d been drinking the night before so was happy to have some brekkie. Half an hour late Mr D was feeling too rough to make brekkie so i got out of bed and made bacon, scrambled eggs and spaghetti. Some crusty bread for Mr D but I was good. I miss crusty bread! We ended up snoozing back off and it was 11.30 when I woke up again so we spent the next half an hour running round getting ready (What I mean by getting ready is throwing a dress on and putting a hat on) and putting everything away!! We hooked the caravan up and started on our way in the cold and rain. Mr D was feeling very rough and quite sick so we had to travel in silence and pray we’d make it!! We did, just!! He managed to reverse it on the drive with the guidance from the neighbour! We survived our first trip in the caravan!! Just!!

After cleaning up I ran Mr D a bubble bath and made him some peanut butter on toast and took it up to him. I am a good girlfriend!! It smelt so good, peanut goodness! I didn’t even dare lick the spoon as I thought it might lead to me sitting on the kitchen floor eating peanut butter by the spoonful!! Mmm. Nope I settled for a mug shot, the last 2 homemade onion bagees. (when I took them to my friends, I left the lid half on and hoped nobody would eat any! Bad yes but all the others could indulge in sausage rolls and pizzas!!) We then snuggled up for a duvet afternoon and ate strawberries. Afternoon turned into evening so I thought I better be a bit productive and finished off making my Christmas cards. We’d not done our usual bargain shop so used up what we had in. I had a big chicken leg (no skin of course) a couple of roasties, cabbage, green beans, brocilli and mushy peas instead of gravy. I was gutted we didn’t even have cranberry sauce. Im happy to use my syns on cranberry sauce every time!! I love cranberry sauce!!! Chicken dinner without it is ruined! Mr D had a pie, roasties and veggies. I often make him slimming world food and hes happy to eat it but we also usually have a lot of 10p food to use up so he has more naughtys than me but to be fair he has massive salads for lunch everyday. Theres not really anything he doesn’t eat which makes it easy for me!! We started to feel better so we went off to the cinema to see Hunger games. I wanted to see if for ages and just not had chance! I loved it, I took my slimming world bars and a curly wurly. Happy Days!!

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