Monday 20 October 2014

'Fat bird did good this week'

06/10/14 Another grey and miserable day! This morning I didn’t have to have that 20 minutes where I lye in bed waiting to see if the phone rings for supply. The phone rang earlier than normal to say they needed me so I was up showered and out the house in no time. I was in a class I know a bit but not too well. I took a group of students to the gym if I’d know I would have bought my gym kit and got a free workout! They ended up with two many staff for the afternoon so I happily said I’d go home but after working a double lunch. I had to sit down and eat my ham, cheese and grape salad before leaving as I was pretty hungry after watching the kids took into crisps after their work out.I popped to homebargains on the way home to get some oats so I could have a bash at some oaty, options hot choc biscuits. I forgot the oats but came out with £40s worth of stocking fillers and the odd little wedding item!

 Trying to work out syns on the Slimming World App that was a pain in the arse to set up with different codes and passwords to be able to get on in the first place and its crap! I put in weight watchers yogurts and it comes up with ‘basic yogurt greek style’ no thats not what I asked you. I ask it for brie and it comes up with ‘costa coffee panini’ So it can tell me what I can get at a coffee shop but not simple products! Today I was asked me if I was a student? I know Im spotty but come on love is your eye sight that bad you cant see the lines under my eyes? Im bloody 30!

Last week I was going out in my cardigan, this week Im putting my big fat winter coat to go to the pictures! What happened to the autumn jacket season? Its gone from a slight chill in the air to full on cold! We went to the pics armed with our 40% off voucher and cinema goodies. I’d munched through my 2 healthy b extra double chocolate slimming world bars by the first couple of adverts. I managed to hold off with my pom bears until at least the film started. I didn’t even eat one piece of Mr Ds popcorn. Even though I don’t think popcorn is that bad.

Got a message when I got in saying the hen do Im going to in a week and a half is Disney princess themed and theve got her a Cinderella outfit. Well when was this idea thought up if youve already got her an outfit? This doesn’t give us much time to get a outfit together! Right well normally Disney Princess means when you see a group of tarts with Snow White outfits bought off the internet with plunging neck lines, stocking and a skirt skimming their arses! Maybe thats me sounding old but Im pretty sure Snow White did not look like a slapper!! So what are the options Princess Jazmin? Nope deffo cant get my belly out. Sleeping Beauty what does she even look like?! Im not pretty enough to be Belle and it wouldn’t be easy to find a big yellow dress?! Frozen will probably be over done. Now I do have a mermaid outfit from my birthday. Can I be a fat Ariel? I’d need a red wig and hope that my shells and the rest of my outfit made it home in one piece after my birthday party! Its a maybe but I still think its too boring! Cant it just be Disney, I could go as Olaf! I have a snowman outfit! Hmm it would be hard to look like him. What about Disney bad guys? Cruela Diville? Can I go to a pretty Disney princess Hen Do as a bad guy? Ha! It would be like the time we turned up to a 60s themed party where everyonebody was hippies and the cast of Austin Powers and we strolled in dressed as Clock work Orange (the book was wrote in the 60s) I like to think out of the box! Right Ive got it. URSULA!! That would be amazing!! It doesn’t give me much time to make tentacles! This could be good!! Whoo I love a good fancy dress to make!! That will 5 Ive got on the go for the next 3 weeks!

07/10/14 My Ursula dreams have been squashed before Ive even got out of bed! Apparently you can just do accessories or go the whole hog for the theme so people are saying accessories as they havnt got enough time. Bah! What possible accessories are there? Im not just putting a crown on my head! Which one of them wears crowns anyway?! There arnt really accessories?! I don’t like this half theme! I am not wasting my Urula idea on this I will bank her for another time! Now if I do Ariel that is a full outfit! Bloody hell don’t know what Im going to do now!!

My skins bad again! Im growing a second head on the side of my nostril! Im hardly drinking, not eating any greasy food and eating loads of veggies so why the fuck am I spotty like a teenager??

Average Tuesday at work. I got to do my cooking plan with the students again and we went out to get the goodies for veggie and holumi kebabs. They went down really well! The shift went pretty quick.I got home and stood infront of the mirror me and Mr D both thought I’d deffo lost weight around my middle. This is the first time Ive looked in the mirror and genuinely felt thinner! Ive never felt happy about going for a weigh in but I am quite looking forwarded to getting weighed in the morning!

08/10/14 Mr Ds alarm went off at 6am. Didnt really sleep well and some how Ive slept in a dodgy position and all down the side of my neck and shoulder on my left side were aching. I need a massage! I zombied through my 2 hour morning shift. At the moment Im not even getting tempted by  the toast the kids are eating, I just happily ate my yogurt. I dashed home originally thinking I’d have a nap but as usual there is always stuff to do. I seem to be thinking about food all the time since being on this diet. If I’m not planning food, shopping for food, cooking food I’m eating! What happened to the free time I used to get to pop for a swim or the gym? I really need to get back on that but right now Im feeling good so blah!! I roasted some veggies with a little bit of bacon and boiled some green beans, peas and broccoli and then some rice. I fried them up together with a egg and made a couple of veggie kebabs! I took them with me in my little packed lunch box with me to fat club.

Our leader was back this week and some more regulars so it was a busy class. I felt confident going on the scales but was very chuffed at losing 3.5lb! Only half a pound off my stone!! I sat down and listened to the class next to swearing shout lady. I ate my chicken and vegetable rice at the back for lunch so I don’t have to try and get something between slimming world and goin to work. I actually like to stay to the whole class. Now our leader is back we didn’t go around discussing individual weight losses(there were about 30 people there!) but she was chit chatting about products and deals and stuff. It does remind me of a knitting club at times as the older women of the group natter and make jokes about younger men! Good job I stayed to the end as I only bloody got Slimmer of the week!! A little embarrassed but got myself a whole bag of fruit! The leader also bigged up my Blog too! Thats just bloody fantastic! So off I went back to the car big fat smile on my face (not quite as fat as a few weeks ago!) swinging my big ‘Slimming World’ bag of fruit. I might as well had written on my forehead ‘Fat bird did good this week’  I carried on smiling all the way to work feeling pretty damn good about myself!!

Was in school this afternoon and did the usual trip. Resi was busy tonight we had lots of crafts and then a spot of cooking so the night went quick. I did the healthy kebabs with the older kids and I find the kids that help prepare the healthy food are more likely to try it. I snook in some homemade coleslaw out of total greek with a little bit too much wocester sauce and some lean ham to have with my jacket and beans. Im not sure how many more weeks I can do of jacket and beans before baked beans start pouring out of all my crevacis!!
Home and enjoying some ryvitas with light phili toms and ham in bed. Notfeeling guilty about eating supper is one of my fave parts of this diet and Mr D loves it too! Pretty damn chuffed today.

09/10/14 Woke up not even trying to convince myself that I was going to go to the gym this morning.  The gym can fuck off right now Im a busy lady. Work, shopping, cooking, spending quality time with Mr D. Not much room for anything else.  I put on a dress I’d not worn in ages remembering I’d bought it in the asda sale for £3. Bargain when putting it on I realised it was only a bloody maternity dress! I mean us fatties all do it at times. A pair of trousers with a extra bit of stretch not mattering if you put on a few pounds or a top that is fitted on the bust but a bit baggier on the belly so it doesn’t cling to your rolls? Hell yeah, bring on the maternity clothes! (maybe just don’t admit it to anyone) Been blasting the net trying to find somewhere awesome to take Mr D for his birthday. Our birthday rule is our main present to each other is the main present is to book them a suprise weekend away. Ive had so many ideas this year but I just cant seem to decide. Do I push the boat and go somewhere a bit further and go somewhere he never would expect or will that mean we have to have too much spending money? Or  know we’ll have a good time whatever and keep it more simple. Last year I took him to a hippie camp and we stayed in a Tipi. A little chilli for November but it was awesome. Snuggling up next to the fire, having a loo with a view,watching the sun rise and drinking warm ciders at the local! Need to top that.

I had burger and chips for lunch! Dont worry it was a slimming world special! I improved on coleslaw and made it with quork and just a little bit of Worcester sauce, few chips, salad and a burger made of lean mince, onions, seasoning with a extra light cheese triangle in the middle of the burger. It wasn’t too shabby at all. Who needs Mcdonalds anyway?!

We had potaoes for tea at work too tonight. Eating too many potatoes is not good. Im feeling stodged and bloated and fat. The order was wrong so Ive ended up full of the brown fuckers! I must remember I should not double spud it where possible. Took the students swimming tonight they had music on this week. Walked in to  Frozen number blasting out, got to admit love a bit of Frozen! Much better swimming to music it kind of makes you do a dance swim. So you put a little wiggle in as you swim. I like a dance swim.

Cracked out a book before bed. Finally got my Insurgent book. Need to read before the film comes out next month. Book and curly wurly,  I know how to live!

10/010/14 So Ive got all this fruit from Slimmer of the Week I was thinking of making a crumble but apparently then it becomes syns! Something about because the fruit cooks down and is smaller you have to syn it? But I don’t see what difference that makes because you can eat as much fruit as you want anyway?? You cant have smoothie for similar reasons something to do with when the fruit is broken down it realises more sugars? Well when Im chomping it in my mouth is that not the same thing? You cant mush a banana on toast but you can mush it in your mouth? Makes no sense to me. All to do with ‘tweaking’ recipes and the women go bloody mad on the Slimming World site the things you talk about tweeking! They even start having a go if people ask for help with syns but with the app being sooo shit how else you suppose to find out about syns!
Theres alway so much cake to try and avoid at work. First someone bought in this gorgeous looking apple pie from costco. I then went in to class and they had cake again! I am strong, fuck you cake!!

I cant Blog all the reasons Im pissed off today. Its a shame because that is exactly the reason why I Blog.
To cheer myself up I managed to find something awesome for Mr Ds birthday. It wasnt quite the idea of going to Poland I had or as simple as some of the other ideas. I booked something in the middle!! Really didnt want the craziness of booking flights and doing it all in secret. Im pleased with my choice, hope he likes it. I was not in the mood to leave the house I had a bubble and put my onsie on before Mr D even got through the door. I'd spent ages studying just east apps for things I could eat. We ordered from a grill and got some chunks of tandoori chicken, lamb and some shish kebabs. We made our own rice and salad and grilled a 8 syn wrap. Really need to find those gluten free healthy B option wraps. I should make lists before I go shopping!!

The Hen do are still undecided if were in full fancy dress or doing accessories!! ‘Oh yeah thats a good suggestion for a outfit’ ‘Oo I could do this’ ‘I’ll look a idiot if you guys are in fancy dress as I havnt got time to sort it’ I then offered to help make a costume for someone else. No reply.  ‘actually lets just do accesories’ and then people are stressing about the dares for the hen. No drinking ones and nothing embabrassing as she wont do it infront of her mum. Not sure Im the right person to make up ‘nice’ dares. I’ll leave it to the others.

I cant sleep Im back too a million things going round my head. I am just fucking pissed off I just cant stand it when people that are fake, cowards, indecisive, that sit on the fence! It started off with one big thing annoying me and now lots of little things are annoying me too. I just don’t like people a lot of the time. I prefer children and dogs. And adults that act more like children.

The world can sod off and leave me alone right now. I feel like not bothering with anything in the next few weeks. Im going to hibernate.

11/10/14 Woke up feeling okay Im hoping Im over my afternoon/evening of pissedoffness. Im throwing myself in to things that make me happy this morning. Mr D went off to work so I sorted out all the Christmas presents I’d been buying in the last few weeks and just chucking on the spare bed. I went through all the baskets under my bed/ the small spare rooms bed and the big spare rooms bed all full of pressies. I then got side tracked thinking how good the costco apple pie was that someone bought into our office the other day and decided to check out the costco site for wedding food. It all looks amazing, exactly what we were thinking for a ploughmans! Is costco food good enough for your wedding buffet??! After happily spending the morning organising Christmas presents and pottering Mr D came home and we had a good veggie stir fry for lunch. I will always hate stir frys.

We went for a potter round town for some more bits for our Halloween costumes and also got some nice off cuts of fabric for bunting. Really need a sewing session to get the outfits done. Got some amazing buttons and patchs for the Halloween outfits. Really need to finish the outfits off! Where does my time go?? Managed to get some diet goodies, wedding goodies and Mr D carried me 3 boxes of diet coke to the car. Love that man. Ive some how managed to have lots of bags and spent more than I wanted too.

Tonight we were off to my friends 30th birthday at a private cinema in Notts. I decided to drive because Im skint and cant have cinema munchies and drink and I really cant be arsed to be catching 2 buses before I even arrive! Nope, nope. Got my bag of treats light babybells, diet coke, slimming world cereal bars and pickled onion space raiders. We went to see ‘Idol hands’ a spoof horror from the 80s. It was absolutely awful! I understood why she picked it as it was something her and her brother loved from their childhood. It was so bad it hurt and to top it off alot of people were already pissed and rowdy. Oh my god that makes me sound so old! But they were. By the end people were pretty steaming and talking absolute bollocks.  The birthday girl seemed happy so thats all that mattered Im not moaning it was her night. I felt very old and very sober. We went to a few bars with them and I had a good catch up with the birthday girl who was one of the very few sober ones and we laughed at her friends who kept coming over and saying things like ‘you guys dress so cool’ ‘you look so beautiful’ Im pretty sure they had their beer goggles on so compliments really don’t count. The drunken very blonde lady who I used to work with briefly with my friend a while ago had started to talk to Mr D. I thought this was hilarious, I could hear her talking absolute bollocks I don’t think he had any idea what she was on about and he kept kicking me under the table. Best moment of the night. Ive promised her I owe her a good night out and I mean it. Tonight just wasn’t it. Mr D was pretty drunk on the way home and after only snacking early evening we were hungry. I quickly went on the slimming world page and looked at what i could have from the Chinese. I still had plenty of syns for the week so why not bloody enjoy them??! I ordered some king prawn noodles and beef with mushrooms. I gave Mr D ‘the look’ when he ordered chips. Just rub them around my lips then take them away why don’t you! Bloody chips. I mainly ate the meat and tried not to eat much of the sauce it was in as I gathered thats where all the naughtys were. Good end to a sober Saturday night.

12/10/14 Mr Ds alarm went off at 6.30am!! Soooo many times he forgets to turn the bloody alarm off!! As uaual I couldn’t sleep and got up and did some washing and pots. Mr D was a little rough but he came to the carboot with me. It was busier this week. We bought 2 tables for the wedding for a few quid. (ther starting to mount up I really need to get some painting done!) and then I got a good duvet cover for bunting and that was it. I do really love a carbooty!! Mr D went off to visit family at the hospital and I got ready for my bridesmaids to arrive. Finally got the 3 of them together. I made some fantastic pulled pork which had been cooking in the slow cooker over night with a can of diet coke. I grated some apple in it and it was pretty damn good! The pork had a coating of maple syrup on it but there were chunk of butter on it which I took off before cooking so this must have took the syn values down? I didnt use my bread allowence as I was giving the girl big fat cobs and Im not allowed one of those. If I cant have a big fat one then Im not even going to bother I just had a bit of left over rice with mine. My bessie then wanted pudding so I gave out my eton mess ice cream I wasnt that fussed about it anyway! I didnt have any training to keep my syns low with having 2 take aways this weekend!
I really enjoyed having my favourite ladies together and after all the baby chat (if they havnt got one there brewing one!) we started planning the hen do!! We all agreed our only option really is the Pontins Southport but the acts are still not announced yet so cant really decide until then. The bessie got straight on the blower and they said the acts would be out in Jan. We had a nose on the website at the acconmdation. Its not great but you cant expect it at a Pontins! Its probably not been done up since the 80s! They had one bungalow which was their gold accomadation. It was barely bronze but it was better than some of the boxy appartments so we rang to find out if it was available. It was but the guy said it will sell out quick so obviously the only option was to quickly pop a £50 deposit on it!! Hen do booked ooosshhhh. Feeling rather bloody exciting!! Ive never had a girls holiday. Ive been away with friends, couples and just one of my girls but never all my faves! and we have our own little girls pure 90s bungalow for the weekend eeekkkkkkkkk.
Really couldnt be bothered to rush around going to asda so no 10p shop today, which also meant no joint of meat for the roast. Sausages would have to do. Weight watcher ones are only half a syn so not bad at all. I tried the slimming world roasties tonight. You part boil them, fluff them up and put them in the oven. You then put a pint of stock in (so there about half way up the spuds) and leave them to soak up all the liquid and go all lovely and crispy!! Deffo worth a shot for anyone trying to cut down and not use any oil. I also did the one syn yorkshires which were just flour and egg realy but they turned out not bad either. Good big fat roast for 3.5 syns yum!!
Feeling fat. tonight  I feel I might have been over carbing and not enough veggies again. The next couple of days Im going to eat lots of vegetable and no spuds!! Ugh

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