Sunday 13 April 2014

Cous cous is just shit rice

Sunday 29th March

Clocks went forward so lost an hour which made it even harder to get the Mr out of bed! By 11am we were out and about had a quick nosey at the carboot but we were a bit late. Mr D then fancied going out for lunch. We drove out and about round Amber Valley and spent a while looking for a nice country pub to stop at. When we found one we had to wait a while for it to open at 12. We both just fancied a nice sandwhich. It was a sunny day and a good sarnie with homemade coleslaw would have just been perfect. We asked if they served food and she said yes so we bought a drink. To then be told there was a choice of lamb, beef or chicken roast. Crap! Hungry and a bit miffed we’d bought drinks we soon left. We then drove around and found another pub we thought would deffo serve food. It didn’t. After driving round for some time we were about to give up when Mr D spotted a beautiful looking pub that said it served food! FABULOUS!! Again we bought drinks and sat down to then be told they were just serving the three course meals on the board. Looking round everybody was dressed up smart and I was just in carboot zone in my hoody, converse and my hair chucked back. By this point we were pretty pissed off after our drinks we stormed off and ended up in subway.As Mr D so perfectly put it ‘Welcome to Amber Valley the place where you can’t get a fucking sandwhich’ We  sat outside on a retail estate, not exactly what we had in mind but at least we got our sarnie! Even the toastie machie wasn’t working so we couldn’t even get it toasted!! THE WORLD IS AGAINST US BUYING A FUCKING SANDWHICH TODAY!! We spent a beautiful afternoon out a huge park near my brothers new house. Walking and talking whilst my neice slept attached to my brothers back. The pooch had a good run and I had a good bit of exercise. KNACKERED!!

Monday 30th March

I woke up feeling knackered and grumpy. I went in to work to find out I was in Leicester and driving my own car. Fuming and emotional. I’m supposed to be in school on Mondays and have my 1-2-1s with my students but no being shipped off again. I just wanted to cry. I think it was probably was because I was tired. After my student finally started working I picked up a bit and didn’t once give in to my healthy eating.  Got the student a lunch and headed to the back of the library in the usual spot. Some busy body lady came over and told us we couldn’t eat in the library so we put our food aside and started some work. Another worker then came over and asked us to leave. I said to her politely that we weren’t eating we’d put it away. She said the food was too smelly and we needed to leave. It was a good job I was with a student so we left. ‘That lady on the next table smells of piss are you kicking her out??!!’

Tonights booty shaking class wasn’t easy. My arm was aching and my tattoo kept catching on my top as well as my usual wedgie problems but I powered through! The instructer obviously worked hard too as when she was thrusting and twerking all you could see was her massive vagina sweat patch. No armpit patchs just vagina sweat. How do you even sweat that much out of there? Maybe she’d just let out a little wee.

Tuesday 1st April
Whilst on my usual dog walk before work i thought it would be amusing to send a few April Fools pranks not thinking they would really fall for it. I sent one to my boss, my bro and my amigos to say I’d had enough I wasn’t coming in and I was going on strike. Now I thought the women would fall for it but not my bro. He fell for it hook line and sinker! I was getting full in depth texts about getting Union backing and the effects long term when I was actually on my way to work actually loling! So off to work with a smile on my face. Not for long. A lovely student decided to tell me I look pregnant. This is not one of the older students being bitchy bcoz I’ve told them off this is one of the younger students just saying what they see and being honest! FUCKING PREGNANT?? This is one comment I’ve not had before. Why did she have to tell me at 5 past 9? At least if she’d told me at the end of the day I wouldn’t have been so conscious!? Now I’ve got to try and do my cardigan up differently to cover up my stomach but I look unbalanced. FUCKS SAKE. Spent the day sucking in and standing with my hand over my stomach.

I had a meeting in Leiceter so I set off 15 minutes early so I could have my lunch break trying on that dress in tesco. They didn’t have the original one but had the other one I liked. Disappointed I had to get the usual large size but it did look really nice. Clothes sizes are such bullshit! I can fit in clothes on all different sizes in all different shops. It just takes the piss how can your size vary so much?! And it zaps the self confidence out of you when your 2 sizes bigger in one shop than you have been in the previous. ITS BULLSHIT!

Found a nice deal for a second hand Laura Ashely garden set today. I’ve been after a nice large garden table for ages. Asked a few questions and I agreed to come and collect. Then the post seemed to disappear. He had then relisted with one extra item for £40 extra! Fucking rude idiot!! I told him he was rude to. I thought that was quite pleasant of me considering. Then he  tried to get me blocked from the group. TOSSER!! Was also hoping to book a holiday tonight but again we had a problem. We’d found one we really like but it seems to have gone up in price. For fucks sake!! Both of us disapointed!! Why are people trying to fuck with me today??!!
 Wednesday 2nd April

Went for a 50s a line skirt and tied up shirt today felt good about it theres been many times I’ve not fitted into this skirt. I went into a class room and saw my reflection and actually thought yes I look quite nice today. Then I sat down and I just looked like a wide blob. How can I look so different standing up and sitting down?! I’m never sitting down again!! Then I went off to Leicester very successful day with my new student at the outdoor ed centre. Only down fall when I tried to fit on the general size harness it just wasn’t quite fitting so he had to go and ge me the next size up L BLOODY BASTARD FAT THIGHS! Everybody had the general size one and they had to go espically and get the larger one for me. BASTARD. On the way back as the rain got harder my windscreen wiper flipped over and started bashing my windscreen. I stopped and put it back in place but there seemed to be a circle scratch now on my windscreen?! About a mile down the road and the right wiper started going abit crazy going over the edge of the car. Why did it have to be the right one? I least I could still see infront of me if it was the left one!! I then got out again as lorries zoomed pretty close to my ass and the whole thing came off in my hand!! I then had to attempt to drive down the M1 with no wiper and it was pissing it down!! Straight to the garage where the Mr gave me a new wiper but I need a whole new windscreen. It could crack at any point. FUCKING BRILLIANT!! Bag of shit!

I was going to give the Wednesday early class a go again that wasn’t great last time I went but it was a really good time. Why isn’t there any classes at 5pm? That would be perfect timing!! I missed that class being at the garage.

Homemade burgers for tea! Feels like a treat but actually not bad at all! Unfortunately we had Moroccan cous cous with it because I bought it for 10p I’m not a fan of cous cous is just shit rice but for 10p we’ll have a crack anyway.

Thursday 3rd April

I’m getting bored of porridge but I find other cereals arn’t as filling. I eat breakfast as I’m working in the morning so it is hard to avoid the toast but the majority of the time I’m good at not given in to the thick buttery goodness. At breaktime students had made cornflake cake and custard I was the only person in the whole school that didn’t go in for some in the kitchen. There was all the usual ‘just have a small slice’ People think there helping but it really makes it harder its so easy to say ‘go on then’ but today I didn’t. From 11am I had my new student. I didn’t plan the fact that I was taking her for lunch and I didn’t have time for a break until after 3pm. Bugger. I was starving and in KFC with her. What to do? There were just big menus in front of me with so much goodness. I just kept thinking in my head ‘no fries, no fries, no fries. Think Kelly Brooks swimwear’ I opted for a chicken salad wrap and corn on the cob instead of chips. I don’t think that was a bad option. My student was really tempting me with ice cream. It did look really good but did not give in! We then had a food lesson where she made me a cupcake and I secretly gave it away later. I’m impressed wth myself.

Then I went to triple challenge with plain Jane monotone lady. As I walked in I passed her at reception and she didn’t look at me. As I walked out of the toilet right outside the exercise room she was going in she looked straight at me. She didn’t smile, she didn’t say hello. There was only 4 people in the class not surprisingly when she was so unwelcoming!!The class got started and quite quickly I switched off to her boring monotone voice. For such a dull looking and sounding lady her music taste for her class surprised me. Justin Timberlake came on full blast ‘She want it, she want it, I want to give it to her’ ‘like a nympho’ ‘why don’t you sit down on top of me’  This disturbed me, all I could think of was that this plain Jane was actually some filth bag nympho. That in her spare time she was like the woman in the video. Gyrating in front of a window in just her underwear and stockings. Dancing on a chair pretending a invisible Justin Timberlake was there was her. I actually did a little snigger out loud at the thought of this. Plain Jane getting excited over Mr Trousersnake. Ha. This kept me amused through the whole class. I had no idea what was going on half the time. The regulars got it but she didn’t show us how to do it. She showed the low level which wasn’t anything like the higher stuff. Her voice just sounded low and distorted over the sound track like being at a noisey train station and trying to work out what there saying. I just did my owns moves. Some nice superman moves on the step and I worked myself hard.

We had stir fry for tea. Everytime we have stir fry for tea we end up having super. No matter how many different varieties I do they never quite cut it. Watching Master Chef didn’t help. I love Masterchef!!!So happy its back on. Gives me some TV time and the Mr gets his x box time. Normally it doesn’t make me hungry it just gives me ideas for cooking. Half a bagel with pate for supper. First supper of the week so could be worse.
Friday 4th April

I’m carless today. Car is in the garage and is going to cost me a few spondoolies that pissed me off. Then my sandwhich smelt a bit off today. Normally I would power through I have a stomach of iron but you have to be a little careful with chicken. Thats the only problem with getting bargains you do need to eat them within a few days and this is day 4. Probably pushing it a little bit. Had to make do with a crisp butty. There were weight watcher crisps so only about 5 in the bag! Cock bought me a kinder egg it only weighs 20g and thats with a toy so that can’t be that bad for me. Can it?
£180 fucking pound to have my windscreen wipers fixed and thats at a discount dealer price! How can such little things cost so much money?! Cancelled my girls night out Saturday suppose I better take my new dress back too. FUCKS SAKE!! The Mr is mad because I’m really pissed off about it but I’m not pissed off at him. I’m pissed off because its a lot of fucking money and I’ve still got to buy a new windscreen yet!!! I HATE FUCKING CARS!

I’ve struggled not to munch today. All the pissed offness has given myself a headache. Why do I let things get to me so much? Luckily Mr D managed to find me a better option a cheap lets glue it together with super strong mechanic glue and see how it goes option. I took this option but my car still wasn’t ready. After a boring afternoon of meeting and training I was concerned I wasn’t going to make it to my PT sess. Theres no way i was going to cancel. I need to be on it!! Manged to get sorted and make it just in time. Todays session was brilliant just the kind of thing I like. I lifted tyres and we sprinted. Maybe we did sprinting to boost my confidence as its the one thing I’m good at or maybe it was just coincidence. The first sprint I had plenty of energy and smashed it. The next 3 I only just won with J right behind me. The last one I was bollaxed and gave up and just jogged. I’m annoyed I gave up  and didn’t give the last one my all. I shouldn’t have gave up. I felt good and I felt motivated. The girls are really good they are positive and encouraging but not in a annoying patronising kind of way. Kat posted a pic of J this week at the beginning less than a year ago and now 5 stone lighter. She looks amazing. I want that to be me. In 10 months time I want to have had a amazing achievement. I’ve decided to rethink my exercise. I need to do this seriously and I need to use J and Ss enthusisum and support and go along to some of this hard core classes with them. They met Mr D tonight when he met me after the session and they called him Mr D. Makes him sound like hes my Mr Darcy or something. I like it.
Saturday 5th April

Woke up still positive and motivated and left Mr D in bed whlst I went to dance fit. It was busy but Sarah the instructer is the complete opposite to Monotone woman. She smiles and says hello to everyone who walks in, no wonder her class is full. She has the funniest expressions really over the top espically if she does a wrong move. She’d be great in a silent movie. My fave regular was there Len. Len even deserves to have a name in my blog. Hes like a dancing Santa. Anyone that has been going to any classes at Moorways in the last 10 years will know who Len is. He turns up to a lot of the classes and just does his own thing. Does his own moves sings very loudly to his favourites and shouts out random comments. Always happy and hes a pretty good mover for such a old guy. I like him, I’d love to video him hes so funny. He is rather odd and sometimes whispers strange things in your ear but hes one of the few people I am happy talking to in class.

We then got ready and went off to celebrate Mr Ds Nans 70th and being treat meal I was looking forward to have some good tasty grub. For starter we bother ordered loaded potatoe skins. Now the clues in the title! There was nothing loaded about these potatoe skins! There was 2 greasy potatoe skins scraped out with a small amount of melted cheese swimming at the bottom and a thick slab of barely cooked bacon just sat on the top. I reckon they were skimpy on the potatoes and instead putting the potatoe back in the skins they were using in for mash! SKANKY BASTARDS. I realised the place was run by a old couple that had been there a long time so maybe loaded skins were just too modern for them. I felt more confident about steak and ale pie and chips for main and it wasn’t bad. Unfortuantely chocolate cake and custard for pudding and 2 white wine spritzers made me very podged. Everybody else had the same. Three unhealthy courses but nobody else was over weight. I felt guilty for eating too much as everybody else was happy and merry. Sometimes it just doesn’t feel right, it feels unfair. Some people can just eat what they want, how does that make any sense?!

The day went down hill when I cancelled the night out. The Bessie was driving, another had cancelled and the other was saying she was shattered. It was pain in the arse for me to get to and I would have to catch a bus home to a rough area where I’d probably get robbed as I then had to get a taxi to get home. FUCK THAT! Not for a half hearted night. I’ll wait for a proper sess thankyou. The only other offer I got was to go and see Ladyboys of Bankok. No thanks. I don’t care if youve got a cock or not I don’t really want to spend money on seeing people prance around on stage. I was actually quite happy to stay in and watch some shit TV whilst the Mr when out with the bro.
I must be old happy to spend Saturday night in on my tod!!

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