Monday 10 February 2014

Swing your partner round and round

Sunday 25th January

Last official bootcamp and I genuinely felt sad it was over. The girls may be different sizes and have different goals but their supportive and seem genuinely interested in each others progress. We have a on line support group that has been really good. Food tips and motivating each other. I must admit it has helped during in low points this week and its always good to have a nosey and how people scrub up when there not dripping with sweat, hair scrapped back in their sportwear.

We had all measured this week. The smaller folk of the group losing a few inches here and there and a few of them seeming a little disappointed until Kat pulled the tape measure nice and tight dropping several more inches off. I lost 10.5 off various body parts. Again people commented that they could tell which was really great. Kat said the highest she’d ever had in 4 week was 13.5 so I was defiantly up there in her top set. Felt good. When one of the fit lycra blondes got measured they measured her waist. It was only 2 inches more than my thigh! I was next to my ‘friend’ and we couldn’t help but have a little giggle at this comparing it to other body parts of ours!

I worked hard. I was pleased with myself but my balance is genuinely shit! I’m just too fucking heavy it’s hard to balance all my weight on one and my tip toes or just my arms on the bars. I’ll bloody pull my arms out the sockets!! But I smashed the short bursts of cardio. She wanted us to 200m of rowing in a minute I did 250 60 more than the fit bird next to me, not that I’m competitive). She then put us on the treadmill for a minute. I was secretly confident that I knew I’d smash this as Barbie in front of me struggled to complete a minute. Me and my brother used to go to the gym with some students at work and he’d make me sprint for short distances then do some weights then sprint again so I already knew that I wasn’t bad but it had been a while. As I started running it wasn’t nearly fast enough and I had to tell Kat to turn it up. I did good and I was pleased with myself even asking to do it again later as part of the circuits.

I know my strengths and my weaknesses and I’m competitive. Surely this is a good start?!

I would just like to say if anybody is reading this from any of my classes that I’ve described as Barbie or Pocahontas or anything else I do not mean to be offensive. I just say it like it is. Barbie and Pocahontas are very attractive ladies! I’m not good with names please don’t think I’m being mean. If I didn’t like you I’d be calling you ugly bastard or dirty whore.

Had the family over for tea cooked a big roast, crispy roast potatoes and homemade Yorkshire puds. I didn’t have either but did plenty of meat and veg and mashed swede. I love swede and it always makes me feel like I’m not missing out at potatoes as much when I have mashed swede.

Monday 27th January

Oh my god how my arms ache today!! And my shoulders hurt! No wonder after me trying to lift my heavy bulk up!

Busy day at work. Out and about in the pool car (still carless) doing home visits. Sorting out others mistakes. Felling a little pissed off. Luckily I came prepared with my cashunuts and cranberries. Need good healthy snacks to get me through the day and my diet coke of course.

Even with aching arms I was feeling positive about going to dance fit! Even if I’d look like I was trying to do the thriller dance. Arms flopping to one side rather than reaching up high and working out those bingo wings! Unfortunately my dance partner and lift to the class couldn’t make it! Bollocks I hate not having a car! Class missed. I then finally caught up with my neighbour trying to keep my cool but not happy at him admitting moving it but not breaking it?!

Miffed I had a bubble bath and put my cosey pjs on which is my new answer to everything when I’m pissed off! Its got to beat eating ice cream!! Mmm how I miss ice cream!! Chocolately nutty loveliness with chunks of brownie. Now I hate crappy ice cream its got to be the good stuff or I’m not interested at all. Me and Mr D tried a skinny moo iced mousse tonight. Though it looked good. It wasn’t. It had a weird after taste and just did not hit the spot! Chocolate my fucking arse!! Disappointing. How i miss ice-cream.
Tuesday 28th January

Off site again and bought a kitkat chunky for 20p. Not for myself I gave it to my student but at that price I had to buy it. Bargain! Now I haven’t told you much yet about how much I like bargains. Like a little too much. Like I’m a little obsessive. I go food shopping at certain times when things get double reduced. I hate paying more than 20p for salad. If I can get it that cheap why would I want to pay £3? Its salad for fuck sake!! Now when you start shopping like this it’s hard to go back! I hate spending a lot of money on food. We spend about a tenner a week and that’s including the freezer always being full of the best quality meat and fish. Frozen on the day it needs and eating and bought for 50p instead of £5. The only problem with this is it’s not just salad that goes cheap. Its everything including the bad stuff! Puddings and nice bread. All sort of bread and croissants and those lovely cheese twists that are only 9p each! I often take in bags of shopping to work. Sausage rolls, doughnuts, pastries I would of only spent a £1 but made everyone else happy at work even when I can’t have any.

This week there were big cheese boards for £1.50 how we love cheese but with the support of the Mr we didn’t buy it. Good job we were feeling strong that day! How we looooooove the cheese!!

Wednesday 29th January

Tonight at class she played a bit of Elvis ‘Houndog’ very pleased with this a love a good shimmy to the king! But then she played a new song... Pitballs ‘Swing your partner round and round’ Now I don’t have a problem with this song I actually quite like it. Mid way through the track she told us to grab a partner to ‘swing round and round’ now I really don’t like touching people especially strangers and especially when I’m all gross and sweaty. I don’t want to touch people there’s nothing a hate more when a work acquaintance decides to give you a hug! No do not hug me! You are in my personal space, get out!! Even my bestest buddy knows I don’t do hugs and this would only happen under the influence of a large amount of alcohol. So I am not happy about this situation, I’m there on my own right in the middle of the crowd when camp man grabs me by the arm. I can just about deal with this, at least I kind of know him and I couldn’t see any sweat dripping off him. I think this was the best possible outcome. Next time I’m hiding at the back!!
Thursday 30th January

At work today I walked into a classroom and 2 of the older girls told me it looked like I’d lost weight. Now for one of this young ladies in particular it is rare that anything nice comes out of her mouth so this was surprising and seemed genuine?! At work it would be a rare week if I wasn’t called a fat slag at some point. This particular girl once gave me a whole rant saying ‘why are you so fat? Your brother is so fit and looks after himself so you must sit at home and binge eat. Why don’t you go and lose some weight’ In general you get used to these kinds of comments when you work with young people with social and emotional difficulties. You have to learn to be thick skinned as they will target your weaknesses. Being strong can sometimes be tough.

Friday 31st January

Not only is it treat night but time for my first beverage of the month! Work at the moment has been particularly challenging so a nice glass of wine is much needed!! Tonight we went out for a meal with Mr Ds family for his brothers birthdays so we didn’t get a choice in the treat but went for a take your own booze Indian. This is quite a dangerous area for me. Take your own booze and with the Misters family but luckily they are easy going and like a tipple themselves. After a pretty average biriani and some chips. (Chips are my favourite food and will always be eaten on treat night where possible!!) I didn’t actually manage to eat all my nan bread. I do think I’m eating less even on treat night. Lets not forget I’m a big eater so I’m not saying all of a sudden I’m eating like a bird but I think normally would of polished off everything! The wine went down nicely and my big plan to move on to vodka didn’t really happen. I just wasn’t really feeling it and after a few cheeky jagers I just drank diet coke for the rest of the night! Ended up with a nice little open mic styley pub where Mr D was in his element. Good end to the night and no naughty treats consumed on the way home!!

Saturday 1st February

With offerings of a fry up for breakfast even will feeling a little tender I managed to make the right choice and say no. Even driving past a nice little greasy spoon which we have visited on a few occasions I was not tempted and waited until I got home to cook a nice healthy quorn breakfast!

We then went off to The Circus of Horrors as a last minute cheap Saturday night entertainment! It was pretty damn weird at times with a midget having a hover attached to his penis?! And these guys were runners up in Britain’s got Talent. I’m pretty sure there were no penis antics in that!! I went equipped with healthy snacks including salted popcorn and I’d cooked in the microwave before I left and then wrapped in foil to try and keep it warm sadly this failed but I did have a back of a bag of seeds! Yum- NOT!

Nobody can like fucking seeds can they?!

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