Monday 17 February 2014

Granny pants or go commando?

Sunday 2nd February

We had the last bonus boot camp today joining the 2 groups so lots of new faces. I liked this group there seemed some more down to earth girls. One talking about having too many glasses of wine last night and eating cheese. Now this I can relate too! Much better than feeling too full on bloody seeds! Again she got us jogging outside not once but twice! This is not something I am going to ever enjoy doing! Jogging has to be the most boring thing ever and anybody who enjoys jogging must be fucking BORING!! Put a ball at my feet, a bat in my hand or add in some dance moves and thats fine! I can run around for ages but just jogging YAWN. Couldn’t think of anything more boring!

Disapointed its the last bootcamp it has defiantly opened my eyes and made me enjoy circuits which is not anything I would have done normally. I may consider doing some different classes. I say may I probably won’t ha ha but myself and 2 other girls from bootcamp have signed up for some buddy personal trainer sessions with Kat. I’m really chuffed with this as I wouldn’t have been able to find any exercise buddies without bootcamp and I think it will really help me to stay on track!
Monday 3rd February
Today should have been a nice day at work. The gym with one of the older lads then taking a student to a pool with flumes and a wave pool as a treat but as usual things never go to plan. I ended up going to football with my brother the Deputy Principle/ PE teacher/ does a bit of everything and one of our sometimes difficult students. We managed to get some football in where Mr B got me working hard. Unfortunately the rest of the morning was a disaster. Students refusing and I just started feeling more and more unwell. By the time I was on my way to swimming I was feeling really crap with a 12 year old excited student by my side! Next was the news that the flumes weren’t open and there was an hour and a half until the waves came on. It took all my energy to keep her entertained before the waves came on. Swimming races, how many different jumps she can do in the pool and we saw a man lose his shorts and bare his bum which kept us amused for at least 10 minutes. Then shattered I took her to McDonalds’ and settled for a hot chocolate. Completely exhausted and my head spinning I went home to bed!
Tuesday 4th February
Another tough long day at work. Work is currently physically and mentally draining. I went off for a swim and noticed aqua aerobics was on so thought I might as well do that as well. The group was full of oldies and ladies of the larger variety. Wrinkly skin and massive boobs were flapping and wobberling all over the place! Then there were two older men at the back smug smiles on their faces as they were surrounded by buxom bouncing bosoms! The music was also designed for clientele I barely recognised a song. Most tracks were about ‘Tracy’ or ‘Carrie-Anne’ why are so many oldies tunes about somebodys name?! I recognised ‘Its my party and I’ll cry if I want to’ and few other ones that have more recently been turned into dancey tracks. Now some of the moves weren’t bad just incredibly slooooooooow so I decided I would do them double time to make it more worth my while the only problem was I don’t wear some ugly swimsuit up to my throat like a turtle neck.  I was bouncing around all over the shop. I went in the water as deep as I could to try and keep covered up but it just wasn’t happening. I saw the lifeguarding sneekly glancing out of the corner of his eye hoping a bit of nip would pop out. PERV! So I had to spend the whole time with one of my hands holding the front of my costume together. Not very practical but the more I bounced I could feel my extra bits bouncing around in the water so it must of been doing some good!
Wednesday 5th February
Feeling tired but I’m off to Kats last class at Queens. Its very disappointing its her last class as its my favourite and I’ve worked over time so I can go and I pay monthly at the council and she no longer does any classes there! Rubbish.
I made the most out of it and danced my arse off but there was one thing that just kept putting me off. My knickers. I didn’t just have a back wedgie but a front wedgie too. I mean what are you supposed to do? I can’t stand in the middle of everyone and keep trying to re arrange my underwear but at the same time it was feeling very uncomfortable! And even if you sneakily manage to adjust it whilst filling up your water bottle it only goes straight back in your cracks the second you start dancing again. I’m just wearing standard French knickers its not like I’m wearing some tiny thong to exercise in! I definitely woyuldn’t be trying that it might cut through me like a cheese slice! But what kind of underwear is best to exercise in? Am I going to have to go for some big granny pants or maybe just go commando?!
Thursday 6th February
Why did I eat a kitkat chunky today? I did it without even thinking about it. Took a student to pick their lunch in tesco. Theres a kitkat chunky for 20p. Fantastic just fancy some chocolate. Casually ate it. What am I doing?? This is a bad habit to get into. Why am i casually eating chocolate bars??!! I must stop this now!! No pudding for me on treat night! Mmm I do love a kitkat though!
Really having to make myself do exercise at the minute. Just feel knackered work is completly taking it out of me. Spending my spare time execising, cooking healthy food and applying for jobs. Worn out and just not feeling very happy. Feeling quite down and letting things get on top of me. I can’t seem to snap out of it.
Friday 7th February
Work is just getting worse and worse I’m letting people and small things really get to me and I just can’t stop but why are some people so stupid! People are weak and will give in to things for a easy life but that is not good enough. We have rules for a reasons the students we work with need rules and barriers as many of them don’t have them at home. If they break the rules they must follow the consequences but weak links in the staff means this is not always the case and leaves a uproar for the staff who work their hardest to try and do their best. FUCKERS FUCKERS FUCKERS!! I and yes i will confront you! FUCKING PENIS! Can not wait for it to be the weekend!
Mums gone into hospital today for her hip op. Bless my mum going through that again. Big love to Mrs B!
Finally Friday night arrived. Not only treat night but off with Mr D to Notts to watch Frank Turner!! So treat night, we usually start planning about 2 weeks in advance to make sure we get what were really craving! And tonight its KFC. Mr D has been fancying it for ages and as long as theres chips. (Well fries not quite the same?!) I’m happy. Mr D is driving so I can have a beverage. Though when we arrive and one I say how much it is for a rather shit looking glass of wine I decide I don’t want to waste my money or calories on wine and have a diet coke. I am doing well at cutting down on alcohol!!
Great night started to make up for my shitty week.
Saturday 8th February
Rolled out of bed with just enough time to get my gym gear on and stick my finger in the jar of peanut butter as I was going out the door. New dance fit class 10.30 is not a bad time on a Saturday morning. It was rammed full!! Managed to get a spot at the far end cramped in the corner. Sarah who runs the zumba class on a Friday is the one that doesn’t work us as hard as I’d like her too but I was surprised that it was actually really good. She worked us much harder than zumba and did 15 mins floor work. Will deffo be heading to that one again! You can tell she is from a dance background. She did a Irish dance song and it was crazy it looked like a cult of female curvious Micheal Flatley all in lines toes pointed bits wobberling. Where as I looked more like Stavros Flatly.
Went to see mum in hospital shes doing very well. Avoided all the sugary goodness that surrounded her and forgot she can no longer eat nuts when I brought her cashews (her old fave) so I shared them round a little but ate most myself. I do love a few nuts.
Saturday night was a last minute meal and beverages with my favourite people. My bro and the mrs, and my best mate and her hubbie as well as me and Mr D.  Just what me and the bro needed after a hard week at school. We went for a Indian and I was feeling a good place so managed to stick to my healthy eating and had mixed meat and onions and peppers. No sauce. No nan bread. No rice. I had a portion of side salad instead!! BOOOOOM GET ME!! I did wash it all down with a bottle of wine. Followed by some very strong vodkas at the pub after. Then back to my brothers for singstar and a few more beverages. I sang until I could no longer read the screen and then just lay in the corridor until the taxi arrived and Mr D scooped me up. It would be a lot easier for Mr D to scoop me up when in a drunken stupor if I was lighter.

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