Saturday 4 January 2014

Getting back on it

2nd January 2014

My last day off before going back to work and I didn't have any excuses not to go to a exercise class.
Body Attack was the only thing on this morning so I went along and was greeted but a beef cake tribal tattooed 60 year old lady and a room full of regulars. I'm not sure any of these people had seen any yule log and cream or boxes of celebrations over the festive period. These are clearly ladies of leisure who spend their mornings exercising and then do a lunch of lettuce leaves. Apart from a guy in a Jessie J t-shirt who looked like he was out of the programme 'The Dectectives' (remember that? not Jasper Carrot the curly haired man)
The class it self wasn't too bad the instructor kept checking I was okay but I kept up fine and didn't take any easy options. Though the double lunge tuck was more like something a gymnast might do then a over weight bird with big boobs. My boobs did actually hit me in the face at one point even with my super sports bra!
The downside was the music. Some happy house dance rubbish! I don't understand whilst so many exercise classes have to be to this awful music. I have a pretty eclectic taste and would be happy with a good cheesey pop classic or a indie rock one. I'd be much happy working out to some All American Rejects or some Lady Ga Ga. At one point they played 'Poison' but some weird upbeat number! Whats wrong with the Alice Cooper version? I was pleased when a Bastille song started but then it kicked in to some weird dance version!
Is there a market for rock exercise classes??! I'm sure I'd work harder!!

All in all not bad. Pleased I did it even though my arse is feeling a bit achy!!

3rd January 2014

Armed with my healthy lunch  and very large apple I headed back to work. The kids aren't back in until next week so just a day of catching up with paper work. This is often where the munching happens and when I went into the staff kitchen there was a big box of celebrations on the side! I closed the tin and put my apple on top! Fuck you celebrations!!
My abs are starting to ache today from yesterdays work out, I got through most of the day fine until about 3pm when the celebrations starting calling me. Firstly two swirly twirly Carmel nutty goodness just popped in when going in for a drink. Then when my colleague sat munching his way through a small pile on the desk two more snook in to my mouth. Bollocks I was feeling pretty pissed off that I'd given in already but did the right thing and decided to go and swim it off after work.
I swam for 30 minutes, is that enough to work off four celebrations?? I'm not sure. I nearly gave up after 10 minutes as I found my self swimming behind a old smelly man that seemed to leave a aroma of cigarette's in the water in front of me and even when I moved I couldn't seem to get away from the smell. Wouldn't water wash away the smell? eww smelly old fag man. It felt like I'd been on 40 a day!

4th Jan 2014

Fuck you Christmas over indulgence I lost 7lb this week ooosshhhhhhh!!!

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